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Minutes 11-18-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers held on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 in the Mary Hawley Room, Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street, Newtown, CT. Chairman Gill called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

PRESENT:  Jay Gill, Sandra Motyka, Kathleen Madzula, Marie Smith..  ABSENT:  Mary Fellows, James Juliano.. ALSO PRESENT:  Building Administrator Thomas Mahoney, Building Superintendent Clark Kathan, Office Manager Marcy Becker.

Public participation.  None noted.

Minutes of October 14, 2008 will be amended to note that Mr. Gill spoke about requiring permits, Mr. Gill said that the Library is doing a great job; Blumenthal is misspelled; Mrs. Fellows not Mrs. Motyka will handle the special colors. Mrs. Smith will write a letter of appreciation to CL&P. Upon motion of Mrs. Madzula, the minutes of October 14, 2008 were unanimously accepted as amended.

Building Administrator’s report.  Mr. Mahoney reported that $16,000 has been received  from Rotary for the Mary Hawley Fund. Mrs. Motyka noted that the donations from Rotary are to be used for appliances, so this money will be put towards the stove. Mrs. Motyka noted that the Women’s Club donated $6,000 of proceeds from its Stay at Home Tea.

Mr. Mahoney noted that the Town of Newtown Christmas party will be on December 10 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Alexandria Room and that the Board of Managers is invited.

Mr. Mahoney reported that a puppet show “A Christmas Carol” will be performed on December 6. He would like to use this money for the theater renovations.       Mr. Mahoney reported that Sabrina Productions will perform a benefit on December 17 with the profits to go to the theater fund.

Building Superintendent’s report.  Mr. Kathan reported that the handicap doors have been received and that we are waiting for the hardware. He distributed “Edmond Town Hall Capital Improvements Nov. 2008” (Attachment A to original minutes),. Mrs. Motyka noted that the Mary Hawley Society is interested in doing fund raising for the Alexandria Room and asked Mr. Kathan to obtain firm estimates for items such as the chandeliers and the floor. Mr. Kathan said that the piano needs to be overhauled. He said that Ruby Johnson will provide a new sound system for the hearing impaired for the Alexandria Room from grant funds and that First Selectman Borst requested that Mr. Kathan assist her.

Mr. Kathan noted that we are using gas rather than oil now so that the tubes will not have to be cleaned which saves us $1,500. Also the oil burner will not have to be serviced.

Chairman’s report. Mr. Gill noted that the new kitchen is gorgeous. Mrs. Motyka noted that the Board gives a huge thanks to Mr. Juliano for all his work.
Mary Hawley Trust Fund Trustee. Mr. Gill advised Mr. Borst to keep this item on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda and it will be tabled on the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers agenda.

Bills for Payment.  Mrs. Motyka moved to pay Building bills totaling  $8,579.24 and theater bills totaling $10,250.67 for a total of $18,829.99 plus additional bills of $3,441.50 for the hardware for the handicap doors and $1,620.80 for repairs to the fire escape when funds are available. Second by Mr. Gill and unanimously carried.

Schedule of 2009 meeting dates. Mrs. Motyka moved to approve the schedule of 2009 meeting dates as presented. Second by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried.

Budget for 2009-2010. Mr. Gill will submit a request for $240,000. He feels that in order for this budget to be approved by the Town, either personnel have to be cut or the hours for the present personnel need to be cut by 20%.

Comments around the table. Mrs. Motyka noted that we will a new rate table for the kitchen. Mrs. Becker will discuss this with Sherry Paisley. Mrs. Motyka also noted that Rules for the Kitchen  need to be established. She said also that Rotary asked if Mr. Gill will demonstrate the use of the new kitchen equipment, which he will arrange to do. Pots and pans are needed for the kitchen.

Executive session. Mrs. Smith moved to enter executive session at 8:05 p.m. to discuss personnel matters and to invite Mrs. Becker, Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Kathan to attend. Second by Mrs. Motyka and unanimously carried. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann Mazur, Clerk

Please add the following to the minutes of 11-18-08

At 8:25, Mrs. Smith moved that the Board exit executive session; seconded by Mrs. Madzula. Vote: Unanimous.

Motion by Mrs. Motyka: Except for the two Town Committees (DTC and RTC), official Town Boards of Government, and the Borough, all meetings will be charged according to the current rate card for meetings/events held at the Edmond Town Hall; seconded by Mrs. Smith. Vote: Unanimous.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra R. Motyka